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Feature request

Showing 4

Add "Number of documents" to alerts

We would like to be able to configure the number of documents that an alert needs to not trigger instead of it always being 1. This is a dublicate : LINK3-581 This will be cancelled the other solved.
Claus B. Eide about 1 year ago in Feature request 3 Already exists

Change Display Address for Locations

The current Display Address is not very valuable for me, as they only show the host/user and you can have a lot of Locations with the same host/user. In Link 2 it was the Folder Name, but you did not know of the user. Slightly better, but not perf...
Jon Kristensen 6 months ago in Feature request 2 Already exists

Extend the Partner/Location copy-function to copy between partners

Currently there is a possibity to copy a Partner Location to a new location. The Copy functionally is limited to copy the location within the same partner. It could be valuable, that the copy functionally has the possibilly to copy into a new part...
Claus Seelig about 1 year ago in Feature request 1 Already exists

Automation of Vendor Invoice processes in LINK

Summary: AI being capable to recognize the need to create a new partner and distribution based on a incoming invoice document and process it without human intervention. Currently, we have different processes for integrating electronic invoices fro...
Alberto Ramos over 1 year ago in Feature request 2 Already exists