Link Ideas Portal
Send us your feedback on how to improve Link.
Denne opgave er startet direkte i Devops som en bug, men den kræver en refinement - måske i form af en pre-refinement (
When you add a new Configuration key that appears on existing distriubtions their values would continue to return blank even though the UI show the default values.This is very confusing.Not sure what the solution is, because as I recall there was an issue knowing if it was intended to be blank or contain default value.Maybe this need to be promoted to a feature.One solution could be to have an "Update all not set to default values" in the Configuration key section
It was kind-of reported as a bug in the UI test as well just with the text (so I have not created a new bug for it):Developer | Configuration keys: It should be considered if it makes sense to make a key required on a partner (partner_general)
We have some general issue here, also with Default values. A solution here could be to require a default and make it possible to update all affected entities like described for this bug
Vi har snakket om at vi gerne vil føre Configuration key Default values med ud til hhv. distribution og Partner. men som bløde entiteter. Så når man kalder backend får man den default value der er sat og ikke Null. Bekymring: at vi returnere entiteter som faktisk ikke findes. (Holdning til dette.)