Sometimes you want to run a scheduled task in link immediately and outside the planned schedule. As it is now I must change the schedule to ie. 1 minute, wait for it to run, and then change the schedule back. It would be handy with functionality t...
Add a static link from Partner Locations overview to the centralized Transport -> Outgoing locations
Hi, After the global Locations have moved away from the Partner Locations overview, it would be nice if we could have a static link on the old place, linking to the new place: centralized Transport -> Outgoing locations I mean, we are so good a...
I fx dette tilfælde får jeg en grim object fejl:;documentIds=10013;internalReload=true Der står intet i xslTransform loggen om hvilken xsl den loadede. I dette tilfælde mistæ...
Currently the alerts that can be set-up for distributions will trigger if no files have been exchanged in a given period of time. It would be extremely useful if we could add a threshold number of documents for the trigger. This way if the thresho...
Matias Noe
5 months ago
in Feature request
Planning to implement
It would be great if Link had a page that could be shared with our partners. It could be generated from the Partner's page in Link, something like "Invite to Connect" or "Send Connection Details" or "Create & Send onboard invite". First the us...
Matias Noe
about 1 year ago
in Feature request
Future consideration
It would be great with XSLT 3.0 support in Link3.
BizTalk 2020 already supports XSLT 3.0 through SAXON HE (Home edition), and I know that Bestseller is looking into using this in their Link2 setup.
Here are some links that may be interesting to ...
Søren Darville
about 1 year ago
in Feature request
Likely to implement
UI optimizations regaring test runs (in Link test-tool)
UI optimeringer ift test runs På detalje siden for en test-kørsel vil det være gavnligt at have informationer om hvilken test case det er, som er kørt. Gerne også et link så man kan navigere dertil herfra. Vi har informationen på test-runs siden: ...
Show differences when importing artifacts and one of them is changed
When importing changes from Test sometimes we might run into changed XML Transformations or Schemas. It would be useful to be able to see a side by side comparison of the content of the files. See attached. It could look very similar to the side b...