Link Ideas Portal
Send us your feedback on how to improve Link.
Thank you for joining us improving Link!
Enter a name for your idea and choose a fitting category.
Hit "Next" and fill out the remaining fields.
Note that if you're submitting a bug, there are significantly more fields to fill out.
When you submit a new idea, our product team will review it and follow up with you if needed. We encourage you to add new ideas, comment on existing ones to share your use case, and vote for the ideas you'd like to see come to life.
By registering on our ideas portal, you gain the ability to vote on existing ideas.
[no status] - The idea is is under initial revieiw.
Already exists - The idea can be achieved with existing functionality.
Will not implement - The idea doesn't align with our strategic initiatives and will not be implemented.
Future consideration - The idea seems relevant for our roadmap but will not be prioritized for development within the next 6 months. It will be revisited at a later stage.
Unlikely to implement - The idea is a moderately good fit with our initiatives and roadmap but is unlikely to be prioritized. It may be revisited at a later stage.
Likely to implement - The idea is a good fit for our roadmap and is likely to be implemented within the next 6 months.
Planning to implement - The idea has been sent to our development team.
Shipped - The idea has been implemented and is available now or in the next release.
Link 3 documentation:
Product manager (Nicolai Krog):
Customer success (Tina Duus):
Sales (Dennis Zachariasen):