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Allow fetch from subfolders, when using integr.Ftp on an Incoming Transport Location

Often customers build a folder structure on (S)FTP servers - we can fetch files from a subfolder using (S)FTP as Transport Type, but not when using IntegratedFTP as TransportType - which would be nice and easier. The fetching from all folders show...
Lars Thulin 7 days ago in Bug 0 Planning to implement

Link Task Scheduler "Run now" button/function

Sometimes you want to run a scheduled task in link immediately and outside the planned schedule. As it is now I must change the schedule to ie. 1 minute, wait for it to run, and then change the schedule back. It would be handy with functionality t...
Nicki Hølund 3 months ago in Feature request 0

Link 3 SMTP From mail not required

When setting SMTP in Link 3 Partner/Locations, From email address is not required.But not providing this results in the error: [2024-10-15 08:14:49.474 UTC] [Error] [MailSender] - SMTP connection failed: Mailbox unavailable. The server response wa...
Guest 27 days ago in Bug 0

XML Message fails when it begins with a comment

We have a VAN provider that sometimes sends files that have a comment right after the XML Declaration. When we receive such messages, Link fails to process them. If we manually remove the comment and process the files, Link processes them corretly...
Matias Noe 27 days ago in Bug 1

UI optimizations regaring test runs (in Link test-tool)

UI optimeringer ift test runs På detalje siden for en test-kørsel vil det være gavnligt at have informationer om hvilken test case det er, som er kørt. Gerne også et link så man kan navigere dertil herfra. Vi har informationen på test-runs siden: ...
David Sand about 1 month ago in Feature request 0

Show differences when importing artifacts and one of them is changed

When importing changes from Test sometimes we might run into changed XML Transformations or Schemas. It would be useful to be able to see a side by side comparison of the content of the files. See attached. It could look very similar to the side b...
Matias Noe about 1 month ago in Feature request 1

Add "Row count" on "column grouping"

Hejsa Det er meget brugbart at Link i de fleste menuer viser en rækkeoptælling når man grupperer på kolonner. Der er to-tre menuer hvor jeg savner denne feature, (som fx i tracking er guld værd): Distribution Search Result Change log og må...
Lars Thulin about 1 month ago in Feature request 1

Add page to centrally manage certificates

Certificates are tied to partners, which is fine for most circumstances, however it would be nice to have a page where we can see all certificates and which partners use them. This would make it easier to change them when necessary, especially if ...
Matias Noe about 1 month ago in Feature request 1

Http Retriever should save headers and promote content-type

Currently, the Http Retriever in Link3 provides Link with almost no information about the messages it fetches. The only value it adds to the context is a filename, and it creates no additional files. I think it would be useful to at least have the...
Asger Smidt about 2 months ago in Feature request 0

XsdValidate: Make IgnoreWhitespace configurable

The origin of this feature request is this support case: The Edifact disassembler very deliberately accepts fields that conta...
Asger Smidt about 2 months ago in Feature request 0